We accept book donations year-round!
We accept gently used:
- Books
- Games & Puzzles (complete)
At this time, we do not accept:
- Games or puzzles with missing pieces
- CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, or other media
- Books that are damaged, moldy, wet, etc.
Book donations can be dropped off:
Clearspring Mall Book Donation Bin in Steinbach
Located at the rear/Winners entrance of the mall
- 178 Hwy 12N, Steinbach
- during mall hours, available 7 days a week
ROC Eastman Warehouse in Steinbach
- Warehouse door #9 at 110 Industrial Rd, Steinbach
- Tuesdays 11:00am-3:00pm
At this time, we do not have the ability to offer book donation pick ups. Thank you for understanding!
If your donation is too large to drop off at the mall and you cannot make it to our warehouse on a Tuesday, please contact Steph at steph@roceastman.ca or 1-204-381-4698 to make arrangements to drop your donation off at an alternative time at our warehouse!